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Automatically Sorting Tailwind Classes with Prettier

Tailwind CSS is a paradigm shift in my workflow. But I have to admit, utility classes can become so unwieldy on certain elements. One way of "taming the beast" is to use Tailwind's Prettier plugin.

Installing the Prettier Plugin

Note: install Prettier as a dev dependency.

  1. Run in terminal:
npm install -D prettier prettier-plugin-tailwindcss

With the command above, you now have installed Prettier and the Prettier plugin for Tailwind as a dev dependency.

  1. Create and Edit .prettierrc

The .prettierrc file serves as a configuration for the Prettier plugin. Create the .prettierrc on the root directory of the project:

touch .prettierrc

Learn more about Prettier's configuration file

Type the following code onto the .prettierrc file:

  "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"]

Using the Prettier Tailwind plugin

Checking Files and Directory

# Checking a file
npx prettier --check path/to/file

# Checking all files in a directory
npx prettier --check path/to/folder

# Checking all files in the directory
npx prettier --check .

Apply Formatting

# Formatting a file
npx prettier --write path/to/file

# Formatting files a directory
npx prettier --write path/to/folder

# Formatting all files in the directory
npx prettier --write .

Format on Save

If you have Prettier as one of your editor's formatters, this will conveniently sort your Tailwind classes automatically.

Learn More

How Tailwind Sorts the Utility Classes